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Wednesday 10 December 2014

F*cking Apple W@nkers!!

I've had this opinion, and always will. Fuckin' Apple Wankers!! People with iPhones are utter assholes. As soon as they whip out their phones they do that thing where they look around and telepathically say "oh, I'm so much better than all of you guys." They're the kind of people I wouldn't even piss on if they were on fire. They're just as bad as Hitler and I hope they all die. 

Also, I have an announcement to make... Last night, at approximately 8:45, I ordered myself an iPhone. Now I am an Apple Wanker. I am the guys who has got nothing else to live for. I am now no greater than a pig slipping around in its own shit and mud. 

Now, we all know that there's always a moral of the story when it comes to Jas' long ass shitty statuses and of course this one has one... The moral is: When something disgusts you so much and it's avoidable, you have no choice but to become that disgust. #TeamAppleWanker 


Thursday 6 November 2014

Ebola. A monstrous thing

Ebola. It's been around forever... But as soon as a white man's been infected by it, the whole world has mentally bubbled themselves with an imaginary force field. So, here I am, today, to lighten your mood up. Well, you might already be happy today, but we all know Ebola is somewhere on your mind. I've made a list of things that are much worse than having Ebola.... Enjoy. 

1. Falsely being told you have Ebola. 

2. Dead parents. (Even ask Batman)

3. When the palm of your hand is itchy and won't go away, no matter how hard you scratch it. 

4. Sleep Paralysis 

5. When you're in bed and your light's on but the switch is on the other side of the room.  

6. When a chav thinks he's not a chav - "I love Guns N Roses... Their song 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' is a top song."

7. Being a chav. 

8. When you walk on black ice and slip on to a pile of dog shit. (It's not happened to me, I swear)  

9. Tea with no sugars. (You might as well just drink hot water) 

10. Toilet Selfies.  (Like, grow up, people...)

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Legally Changed My Name!!

My name is exactly the same. All I've just done is changed the spelling of my surname to the CORRECT spelling. My name was, Jaskaran Singh Bhattle... And I changed it to Jaskaran Singh Bhathal. I know what you're all probably NOT thinking (I hope you were, but either way, you're racist), "Jas, why didn't you change your first name as well? It sounds like a Middle Eastern, no fly-zoned country full of WMDs." I was thinking of it at first but then I just thought to myself: Who gives a fuck? No one ever calls me by my first name anyway - mainly because they just give up on the second attempt of trying to pronounce the HIDEOUS name... (in case you haven't already noticed, I'm not a fan of my own name.)

There's a few things kind of weird about this whole situation. 1. How on Earth did my father manage to misspell our whole family's surname? 2. After 35+ years, why does he even give a fuck all of a sudden? I haven't bothered asking my father for the reasons, but I have bothered to come up with my own theory though - 'Cuz I'm a twat.

(Note: My theory is ever so slightly OVER exaggerated)

35+ years ago, my dad came off his banana boat and set his sandal wearing feet on the land of the Queen. At border control, they looked at his Kenyan passport and asked what his name was in ENGLISH.. (Even though the passport is in English - That's not the point... Just hear me out...)
My father obviously only knew very little English. But bare in mind he knows other useless languages but didn't bother learning English (Those languages: Punjabi, Hindi, Gujarati, Swahili.) Okay, I should stop overly ripping my own father and just get back to my theory. Anyway, they probably just heard my father say the surname and just wrote how it sounded (as you would).

Moral of the story is... name your children something nice... and something they won't wanna kill themselves over. (not referring to my surname, but my first name) Thank you and good night.


Wednesday 15 January 2014

The Creeper

Recently, this guy has been calling my sister on her phone at ridiculous time and saying the most vile things to her. She gave me his number for me to "investigate"... I saved him to my phone as "WankStain" and little did my sister know that I sent it to every number in my phonebook and told them to prank call it whenever they get bored, and all I want in return is a name. After just a week, all I've ever wanted in my life is this catfucker's name. None of the people I speak to recognized the number. The only thing I had on him is the fact he has a really shitty Brummy accent or a Midlands Accent (whatever, they all sound the same.) 
But anyway, long story short, I found out his name... I was looking through the people who are in my phonebook that I haven't yet added yet on Snapchat and "WankStain" came up. Ladies and gentlemen, his name is Ricky Hothi (Here's his number if you wanna prank him: 07508983724)
The story doesn't end here... I did my part, found out the name and passed it onto my sister and she can deal with whatever she wants to do with that name but, I have this fuckers Snapchat.... Soooo, I did what every immature fucker would do to a guy like that... I sent him a Snapchat of my morning poop, titled "I'm coming to get you, Ricky Boy." I've decided to send him loads and loads of Snapchats of fucked up stuff, with the same title... Feel free to join in... His Snapchat is "RickyHothi" but make sure you title you Snapchats with "I'm coming to get you, Ricky Boy." 

Okay, hope you all do the right thing and join in. Have a nice day... Also brb, I'mma send him a Snapchat of my penis. It's tiny but it'll do the damage to his brain...