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Wednesday 10 December 2014

F*cking Apple W@nkers!!

I've had this opinion, and always will. Fuckin' Apple Wankers!! People with iPhones are utter assholes. As soon as they whip out their phones they do that thing where they look around and telepathically say "oh, I'm so much better than all of you guys." They're the kind of people I wouldn't even piss on if they were on fire. They're just as bad as Hitler and I hope they all die. 

Also, I have an announcement to make... Last night, at approximately 8:45, I ordered myself an iPhone. Now I am an Apple Wanker. I am the guys who has got nothing else to live for. I am now no greater than a pig slipping around in its own shit and mud. 

Now, we all know that there's always a moral of the story when it comes to Jas' long ass shitty statuses and of course this one has one... The moral is: When something disgusts you so much and it's avoidable, you have no choice but to become that disgust. #TeamAppleWanker 


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