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Monday 21 January 2013

For All X-FACTOR Viewers

I've got a solution for you guys who are moaning about XFactor result or the show itself.... Simply turn the television off, don't pull the plug out BUT pick up the television up and drag it outside make sure the plug ruins the socket so you can't plug in another TV in there without repairing it.... While your outside with the television, walk down towards the nearest bus stop. And If there's no buses til tomorrow - WAIT there till the first bus in the morning (usually 6AM)... DON'T STOP THE BUS... just pretend you're waiting for another bus and just before the bus goes past... THROW THE FUCKER OF A TELEVISION IN FRONT OF THE BUS...... Then last but not least... walk home, AND when you get home, sit back down on the couch/floor (wherever you were sat) and stare at the broken plug socket and have a deep think about WHAT THE FUCK YOU WERE WATCHING IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!! What to do next? - I'd say suicide, but that's a tad bit harsh thing to do... well, you could repair the plug socket and plug in a nice lamp or something else gay like that.

I'm Going To Hell

I'M SOO GOING TO HELL LOL... No disrespect to any Christians BUT a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on my door a moment ago and asked me whether any of my family has ever been a member of the church and I just replied telling 'em that I don't have a clue... They continued talking about Jesus for like 5 mins... I was actually interested in the preaching that they were giving me but after a while I
 started to feel the cold so I had to come up with something to shut 'em up because I've already given them 5 whole minutes of interest so I can't say I'm not interested... So I said the first stupid thing that cam to my head..... "Our family dance around a burning crucifix and hail Satan!" ... THEY LITERALLY took a step back.. I feel so bad for saying it... I had to shut the door and carry on being an Atheist. 

Twitter: @MrFungilicious
YouTube: MrFungilicious
Facebook: MrFungilicious
Keek: MrFungilicious
Skype: MrKaranSingh

The Buffet

I went to a buffet the other week and realized how all of us humans are somehow alike. When my friend, Graceface and I got our plates and started marching around the buffet, I noticed that everyone was putting little portions on the massive plate, JUST SO THERE'S MORE ROOM TO PUT MORE STUFF ON... But it's silly because once you get right to the end of the buffet stalls and you've ran out of things you can eat, you look down and realise you've still got three-quarters of your plate to fill. 

Oh, and when we're at a restaurant and looking for the waitress, so you can ask for the bill, why do we all of a sudden turn into meerkats? It's funny because it's so true.
Twitter: @MrFungilicious
YouTube: MrFungilicious
Facebook: MrFungilicious
Keek: MrFungilicious
Skype: MrKaranSingh