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Wednesday 15 January 2014

The Creeper

Recently, this guy has been calling my sister on her phone at ridiculous time and saying the most vile things to her. She gave me his number for me to "investigate"... I saved him to my phone as "WankStain" and little did my sister know that I sent it to every number in my phonebook and told them to prank call it whenever they get bored, and all I want in return is a name. After just a week, all I've ever wanted in my life is this catfucker's name. None of the people I speak to recognized the number. The only thing I had on him is the fact he has a really shitty Brummy accent or a Midlands Accent (whatever, they all sound the same.) 
But anyway, long story short, I found out his name... I was looking through the people who are in my phonebook that I haven't yet added yet on Snapchat and "WankStain" came up. Ladies and gentlemen, his name is Ricky Hothi (Here's his number if you wanna prank him: 07508983724)
The story doesn't end here... I did my part, found out the name and passed it onto my sister and she can deal with whatever she wants to do with that name but, I have this fuckers Snapchat.... Soooo, I did what every immature fucker would do to a guy like that... I sent him a Snapchat of my morning poop, titled "I'm coming to get you, Ricky Boy." I've decided to send him loads and loads of Snapchats of fucked up stuff, with the same title... Feel free to join in... His Snapchat is "RickyHothi" but make sure you title you Snapchats with "I'm coming to get you, Ricky Boy." 

Okay, hope you all do the right thing and join in. Have a nice day... Also brb, I'mma send him a Snapchat of my penis. It's tiny but it'll do the damage to his brain...