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Tuesday 8 October 2013

The joys of having a baby in the family

Before I write anymore, I want this thought to be erased from your mind: "Ewww!! Jas wrote a post on how good it is to have children just for financial benefits." - I just want to make it clear... that's not the case. This post is just about all the weird shenanigans I get up to/ plan to do with my baby nephew. I'm pretty sure you guys aren't weird enough to do some of the shit I do... So for the benefit of entertainment, read on..

The most fun thing I get up to with my Nephew is what I like to call, "Godzilla Rawr". Grab the big box of Lego and start building tons of towers with them. After you've made the towers, place them around the room. In other words make it look like a colourful city. The next step is: You crouch down with with your hands like a T-Rex pretending your Godzilla and knock all them buildings down. I'd say munch on the Lego for more effect but then again I wouldn't want to teach the poor baby to choke.

I could go on and on, but I just want to keep this post short. So, here's a list of 5 things you could/should try out. NOTE: The baby might not like it, but you sure as Hell will:

1. Respond to all baby-talk, with "come on, you know I don't know French!"
2. Make a nappy helmet! Why? - Because.. Safety First?
3. Use baby as a toy airplane (Warning: Don't throw, because they aren't as bouncy as they look)
4. Use the baby to "attention seek." In other words post a pic/vid with it onto Instagram, Facebook, etc
5. Keep hold of the baby, and start a fight with someone you hate... You'll win... Throw the baby at them.
Before you all worry yourselves, thinking I actually do all of them point... I do... But not to that extent.

Here are some of my favourite pics of my baby nephew:

TWITTER: @MrFungilicious